Join Our Network

How It Works

Families, Individuals, and Corporations

Here is a Quick Summary of Our Process

Once you schedule an appointment time here using our Artificial Intelligence, our Marketing division will send out an FAQ email to your email on file to help you prepare for your onboarding call. After the call, one of our Private Equity Funds will send out PPM's, Schedules, and SEC filings to help assist you in due diligence, we encourage you to share our contact information or schedule a quick call with us and your Financial Advisor or CPA once your due diligence period begins for any clarity and suitability questions you may have.

Join Our Network.

All PPM's, schedules and SEC filings are sent after your onboarding call once we have confirmed your accredited status. We do not provide financial advice or projections, we are a technology platform that gives Accredited retail investors access to Private Equity, look at us as the Amazon of Private Equity, we simply provide you a platform to purchase private shares and deliver them to the Broker dealer of your choice. Please take some time to educate yourself on how Private Equity works prior to your onboarding call, you will be prompted to schedule a conference call with us and your Financial Advisor during your due diligence period. Please contact your Financial Advisor for suitability, projections and financial advice.

Members are able to use IRA and 401K funds to fund their private equity investments using our trusted third party partner, The Entrust Group